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Within the project" Youthwork for overcoming society's current challenges" 2022-1-CY02-KA151-YOU-000053968,wepresented a workshop about using of technology in our society and Alternative sportsphysical activities to combat sedentarism and excessive use of technology .For exemple, phone checking/scrolling. If we have a little brake in our daily schedule, we scroll the phone. We asked the participant at the workshop and most of all do the same thing. The problem with this activity is that these devices have a tremendous effect on an individual's cognitive activity.

We have the impression that we are "relaxing a little" by reading or viewing things on devices when in fact we are not doing anything other than keeping the neural activity "on" by feeding nerve centers with stimulus.

Everything that is a human body is represented by movement, and the smallest cell in our body moves as long as we breathe.


Physical and sports activities helps our body to function in normal physiological parameters and to develop harmoniously. During the practice of physical exercises, in addition to the fact that we maintain the tone and physical appearance, certain hormones are secreted in the brain that induce a mental well-being, a "zen" state.


We asked the participant at the workshop what are the challenges in their countries and we concluded: the abusing of using social media, the abusing of consuming drugs and alcohol, and wrong value.


After that we started a game, with balls, in which the participants in pairs of two,had to keep one Ball between them, without droping and Chase after the other ones(who kept the Ball in the same position)The purpose of the gamewas to cooperate, to have fun with others, to make sport activity and to trust the partner.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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